Seek and Find - Find the animals that live in or around a pond.
Spring Creatures - Click on the cards and match the pairs
Memory Mammals - Click on the cards to find pairs. you should ue as few triess as possible in order to score high marks [Mammals]
Memory Birds - Click on the cards to find pairs. you should ue as few triess as possible in order to score high marks [Birds]
Memory herbivoros - Animals that only eat plants.
Memory Carnivores - Animals That only eat other animals
Memory Omniveres - Aimais That eat plants and animais.
Animal concentration - Click on cards to match.
Associate anmal - Associate names with figures.
Bugs - Match the bugs with their name.
Alpha-zoo - Concentration games.
Alphabet Zoo - Each baby animal has a lower case letter. Click on its partner letter to move the baby animal to its proper place in the zoo.
English farm - click with the mouse on the image corresponding to the English word.
shadow play - put the animals in their places.
Numbers - calculate and set the result.
... REFERÊNCIAS: [ - Chapecó] &